Fatigue can make a “nag” of anyone! Nothing goes further to make a woman less able to cope with unruly children, household or job crisis, and thousands of other mundane irritations. Scripture offers ways for women to reduce fatigue and avoid weariness.
- Support from an understanding husband or close friend (if unmarried) helps you handle pressure and stress more effectively. Knowing that someone not only knows about the burden but comes alongside to help you bear up under the load (Isa 50:4, Gal. 6:2) makes every crisis more tolerable.
- Women are refreshed and invigorated by being able to walk away from burdens even for a few hours. Such time for yourself can provide renewal of energies and revival of spirit and can produce creativity and re-create productivity (Eccl. 5:18).
- Women need to guard against over commitment. Even good and godly pursuits must be weighed against the purposes of God (Heb. 12:1). You must learn to say “no”, determine to slow your frantic pace, resist the temptation to add more and more to your schedule. Busyness is not necessarily godliness. Perhaps your “R and R” should become Reprioritising responsibilities (Matt. 6:33) and Rethinking free time (Eccl. 3:1-8).
Being tired is a physical affliction. Being weary, on the other hand, is a spiritual attitude that results in part blaming God for our own sinfulness. Life will never be free from fatigue, but fatigue can bring you to the point of setting aside the mundane cares of the world in order to open your heart and soul to the Lord (Eccl. 12:12).
God can use fatigue to:
- cause you to look to Him for satisfaction (Is. 28:12-13).
- administer correction (Heb. 12:5) as He pulls His hand of strength to force your body to slow down for refuelling, and
- prepare you for a greater challenge (Jer. 12:5)
God has promised to satisfy fully the weary soul and replenish faithfully the sorrowful heart (Jer. 31:25). Sometimes that means, “He makes me to lie down” (Ps. 23:2). Physical frailties may cause you to miss earthly fun and fellowship, but spiritual resources will enable you to grow stronger on the bed of affliction.