Fitness – A Lifestyle of Total Health

Taking care of your physical body, also known as the Lord’s temple, is a balancing act: We must attempt to achieve physical wellness and fitness without becoming narcissistic and self-consumed.  Practicing healthy living and self-control can glorify God and make a person more effective in her daily walk with Him and her relationships with others.  If a woman feels good, she usually has energy and enthusiasm that not only benefit herself, but others.

Stress control, exercise, and dietary moderation are key elements of total fitness (Phil. 4:6-7).  We are to work toward self-control in everything (1 Cor. 9:25), especially consumption of food (Matt. 6:25) and the use of alcoholic beverages (Eph. 5:18).  We are to avoid gluttony (Prov. 23:20).

Also consider that Jesus and the apostles walked everywhere.  Most people now get much less physical activity that God intended for the human body.  Consistent daily activity can help people to remain happy and fit.


Though Paul minimised its importance, he recognised the value of exercise (1 Tim. 4:8).  Solomon well knew the wisdom of the Lord is “health to your flesh, and strength to your bones” (Prov. 3:8).

Mental and emotional fitness, as well as physical fitness, are of major concern in our stressful world. As science and technology advance, we learn more about the complex interaction among the mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of life.  We can be comforted to see that the Lord spoke about these interactions thousands of years ago (Prov. 17:22).  Scripture was the first to record that a merry heart and courage can foster the healing of even very serious and life-threatening illnesses.  James wrote that prayer and the anointing of oil in the name of the Lord was helpful in healing (James 5:14), and Daniel followed certain dietary principles and emerged healthier than his colleagues (Dan. 1:11-14).  The Lord even said that His dietary and health statutes were designed as preventative medicine – so that His people might contract none of the Egyptian diseases (Ex. 15:26).
